Quality control in samples and production

Àngel Àlvarez Serra Oct 15, 2012

This week we finish the serial dedicated to the quality control with our modules nan_prodlot_quality_control_production and nan_prodlot_sample_library.

For those who have not followed this serial, we suggest start reading the previous publications in Quality Control and Quality Control in Production Lots and Incoming Pickings

The first module, nan_prodlot_quality_control_production, integrates the quality control in the production using the same structure of the incoming pickings, described in the previous blog entries. The creation of a new production lot automatically creates the defined quality tests leaving the lot in inactive status and waiting to pass the quality controls. Once passed, the lot will be activated for normal use in business processes.

Some quality control involve taking and storing samples. We have created the second module, nan_prodlot_sample_library, to facilitate the collection and the organization of the samples. This module adds a step prior to the validation of the lot and gives an identification number to the sample.

