High Availability Service

NaN-tic Nov 3, 2019

How much information is generated in your ERP in a day? How much of this information would you be willing to lose? How many hours can you afford to be without your company's management system operating?


NaN-tic offers a service of copies in real-time and high availability of the service that guarantees the total recovery of the data at any time.

In addition, with this service, you reduce from hours to minutes the possible outages that may be caused by human errors or hardware failures in the servers.


As companies digitize and automate their processes, the information that is entered and stored in the ERP multiplies. Everyday data and documents that are very important for the daily operation of organizations are incorporated: contacts, estimates, orders, delivery notes, invoices, stock movements, incidents, returns, accounting...

A situation that is even more evident in online stores or in EDI integration processes, in which all processes are generated in an internal circuit without leaving any trace outside the digital environment.

For all these companies, the possibility of losing information for a single day is a very great risk, unaffordable. It can mean financial losses, loss of customers, bad corporate image, and many hours of internal efforts to try to correct the situation.

All this work is in danger due to human errors or hardware failures, but not only that, in addition, computer vulnerability is increasing, and cyberattacks are no longer something exclusive to large corporations.

It is useless to fear the worst or to regret later. You have to get down to work to prevent unpleasant surprises. For this, NaN-tic has the solution.


How the NaN-tic High Availability Service (SAD) works

Aware that many IT service providers limit their back-ups to a nightly backup that is stored on a copy server, at NaN-tic we have looked for an alternative.

The system works simply:

  1. Every time the ERP user saves any change, it is also recorded in the backup copy.
  2. In addition, it is not stored on a copy server but rather is stored on different disks, on different servers, and in different data centers.


This fully guarantees the integrity and security of the data and of these copies, which can then be accessed through a replica of the original Tryton server, that is, without having to ask for external support.


The technology we use also provides another important benefit. And it is that you can restore the database at any time. That is, we can go back in time and retrieve the exact information we had at a given hour and minute, just before a system crash or a Tryton user made a mistake when entering or editing. of the data.

If you use Tryton and do not want to lose anything you have in your ERP contact us. Shortly we will protect your business and access to all data.

