NaN-tic Mar 24, 2022
In companies with large sales departments, the task of assessing the company’s sales-force yield requires agility and quality data for reliable information on the state of the company. Decision-making on the current strategy and future planning depend on it.
To have the right picture about your business, how do you get quality data, statistics, comparisons and calculations in an agile way? Better yet, how do you get what you need to know in real-time, at a click and at a glance?
To have that image you need a tool that offers you the statistics and calculations of the data you choose without having to dive through them, especially if you occupy a management position, in which you will want global sales results by customer, by dates and by product, among other casuistries.
The company AUTO-ECO Aftermarket is the commercial subsidiary of a manufacturer of chemical products for the automotive aftermarket sector. Your customer is never an end customer, but wholesalers of spare parts that arrive at repair shops and car dealerships. With more than 16 years of life, AUTO-ECO has accumulated a wide portfolio of clients managed by a team of commercials structured at different levels.
AUTO-ECO uses for the sales-force yield management a custom application by NaN-tic. In this application, each user has what they need. From the seller who has his agenda, his client portfolio, his orders, the sales of each client in his portfolio, the statistics of his clients, etc. To the area coordinators who have your data and those of your team. Finally, management, which has the vision of all statistics.
To learn more about AUTO-ECO we spoke with its CEO, Guillermo Roncari.
You get to have a tool adapted to your activity. Each company, sector or commercial organization has information flows and differing commercial interests in data management, reporting. A tailor-made program adapts to these factors by improving the organization and offering profitability.
Developing a bespoke tool is a complex process. Nan-tic offers not only the perfect tool for this, but also an organization with experience in this type of project.
These supply problems are not typical of a sector. They affect everyone directly or indirectly. It requires resilience.
Continue to grow at the national level. Volver to bet on exports, in particular Portugal and France.