We ask, listen, propose, evaluate and improve. We carry out a detailed study of your company, while maintaining a critical stance, using our knowledge and experience: assets acquired over the years in numerous business sectors. Once we’ve got to grips with the details of your activity, we’ll optimise ERP adaptation and work together to determine and prioritise your goals.
We narrow down and evaluate the improvements and adaptations you need, without any unpleasant surprises and with our objectives clearly mapped out. If necessary, we’ll create prototypes to help outline system structures and how they work. Our aim is to find the most productive ERP - business management match.
To facilitate your work and decisions, we use all the information you provide on BPM charts, with diagrams of your company operational model, so we can highlight and detail your business processes.
At NaN-tic we can fine tune an ERP made strictly to your company requirements, because we help both engineer and create the program. We have designed and developed parts that are now used around the world and which we can now specifically adapt to your business. This is an asset that sets us apart from the competition and which guarantees the quality and efficiency of our services.
Our work in program development does not end with the programming of the features you approve. After applying them, we test and review ERP usability. We also outline operability in a user manual specially created for your company.
Our work in program development does not end with the programming of the features you approve. After applying them, we test and review ERP usability. We also outline operability in a user manual specially created for your company.
In order to make the most of the program’s potential, you really need to know how to use it. We make sure that all our clients are shown how their ERP works, from the most generalised information to the specific areas of every business.
We provide a user manual made specifically for each company, while ensuring that our training courses match the needs of each individual business. You set the limits. We can also train your IT Department (if and when required) so that they can take charge of any future adaptations that may be needed.
During training, we use a special ERP testing model for training new users, where improvements can be tried out and new procedures learned, without affecting the company’s own ERP. With proper training, we can reduce errors and future support consultations.
A professional implementation process is one that never ends. Companies change and develop, and the management software they use has to grow at the same pace – and it has to be able to adapt itself to all manner of changes.
With NaN-tic, your ERP will not stop growing. From time to time, we will go back to looking at how to develop the three points mentioned above in order to ensure you keep on moving ahead and improving. We look into how your company (and the sector) has changed, creating new program features in line with these modifications, while training users in how to work with these new adaptations.
We’ll help you optimise the day to day use of your ERP, while your company management abilities grow and improve.
Carrer de les Paus, 98 Local 2 (cantonada Gran Via)
08202 Sabadell (Barcelona)
T 935 531 803